Wednesday, January 19, 2011

In 2010....

Stella went sledding on the "big" hill and got her first ice burn on her chin

Judah was in "Jack and the Beanstalk"

Judah was in the School Spelling Bee

Isaac and I celebrated 9 years of marriage

Judah got a space saver device put on his teeth

We spent St. Patrick's Day with April, Nadia and Declan

Stella Turned 5 and had a tea party

I turned 30! I was so happy Vic was here for it

Vic and I surprised mom with a big 60th surprise party at Lanzi's

We took a trip to Cali

Swam in Papa's pool (a lot!) Playing with Papa for hours

Fed Great grandpa's coy fish. They ate right out of the kid's hands. They also loved Choli the dog.

We saw Great grandpa Bill for the final time

Saw a Dodger game and they won, woot woot

Visited Nanny's darling house and fell in love with Mable (Marble)

Stella learned to swim! She has become quite a pro in a short time

We went to Disneyland. Judah road Space Mountain for the first time, Stella met the Princesses!!

Stella graduate Preschool

Judah finished 3rd grade with ease

Isaac turned 31

Spent days at the beach with April and the kids, coffee in hand

Had fun seeing several movies with the kids in the theater

Rewarded the kids good grades, with a Barnes and Noble trip

Judah had an amazing baseball season with only two losses, he pitched like a champ

We went to the Butterfly Conservatory

We spent 4th of July with the Payan's and stayed at the beautiful Hampton

We saw fireworks in Saratoga, and sat in the jacuzzi and pool all day at the Hampton

Judah turned 9 and had a rockin beach party.....again. 

Mom and Bill took the whole family on vacation to Lake Champlain. We kayaked, fished, tubed, and ate

Judah fished, and fished, and fished, and........fished

Stella was SO brave out on the tube, she loves speed (of course her brother does too) I closed my eyes

We started homeschool!!! Judah began 4th grade and Stella began Kindergarten 

Judah loves Math and Science. He is so inquisitive. He is becoming more independent. We have really enjoyed reading together.  He loves to ask questions!!  Stella loves Art and Music.  She learned to read! She has excelled at all of her work.

The kids started homeschool swim at the YMCA and have grown leaps and bounds with it

The kids began art school and Judah began guitar. They both love it.

Vic and Tim came for a visit

We went to the cider mill and the Farmer's Museum with them

We had "Thanksmas" Vic and I made roast chicken and mashed potatoes! We all exchanged gifts.

Nan and Sue came for a visit. We relaxed and spent quality time

Thanksgiving was a quiet one at mom's house

Stella played "biddy" basketball, which was mostly chaos, but she had fun:)

Judah played water polo and boy could he move fast!

Judah started basketball with the Johnstown traveling team

Stella's two bottom teeth are loose, I am not ready for this!

We went to the tree lighting ceremony and live nativity on Main Street. We rode in a wagon in the cold and sang Christmas carols.  It was so special. Then we ate Chinese:)

We got our HUGE Christmas tree and it was a beauty. 

Christmas Eve was spent at mom's with all of the step brothers and their families. Lots of food, singing and gifts. Very fun night.

We had a very special Christmas, just us. Then Mom, Bill, Darren and family joined for lasagna and salad. It was a wonderful day.

I worked on Christmas Eve with April, but we headed back to her place to ring in the New Year! The kids toasted with us at midnight. 

 Already enjoying 2011.....

Friday, November 5, 2010

Redheads Grey Late.....NOT!!!

I have always been told that redheads stay red forever, or for a very long time. Well, I am proving them wrong. When drying my hair last week I was shocked to find that the baby hair growing in near my temples is about 1/3 pure WHITE!!! Yep, I am wearing 30 well. Isaac has plenty of grey hair and I love it. So, now we can match. WOW. Thanks a lot dad for the "go white early" gene:)

Fall and Field Trips

We have been on three official field trips this year so far! Another perk of homeschooling them. We went to the butterfly conservatory where butterflies and birds flew all around us! Then we went leaf hunting. Bill knows all about the trees and leaves. His father was a guide in the Adirondacks. Somehow Judah remembered EVERY tree he learned about. We took pics of each one (only a few here.) I remembered a few, but Judah is like a little encyclopedia! We gathered the prettiest leaves we could find and preserved them in wax. They now hang on our window for fall.

 It was GORGEOUS, and the kids loved every minute!
 Ummm, forgot what this was, but Judah will remember.
 Ironing the leaves in wax paper.
5 year old with a hot iron = nervous mommy and grandma. 

 Then last week we went to the cider mill and the farmer's museum. We were so happy to have Vic and Tim with us. We were in for a big surprise at the museum. We didn't know what to expect, but it was amazing. It was like stepping into the 1800s. It was a complete town. Women were cooking and baking. The blacksmith was working on guns and axes. Everything was in  working order just as it would have been. We had a blast!

 This carousel was at the museum. I have never seen a more beautiful one in my life!
 The blacksmith shop.
 Nanny gobbling with the turkeys. Judah doing his impression of Nanny.
 Art project for an early Thanksgiving with Vic and Tim:)

School days!!

This was our first year schooling at home. The kids were so excited and we are having a great year so far. The first day we celebrated with donuts for breakfast and a movie after school. It has been one the of the best decisions I have ever made. It is definitely a lifestyle change and it is a perfect fit for us. The kids tell me about once a week how much they love it. It makes my heart happy. We are all learning so much.....together. I hope they remember reading with me everyday and doing math at the kitchen table with the family.  Aside from the great education they will receive, I hope they learn the importance of family time, quality and quantity. I hope their faith and character is strengthened each day.

They loved their art bags and notes from mom:)
 Happy Kids!
 Donut dad.

 She's reading!
 Math lessons taught on dvd.
 Working on punctuation.
 Breakfast and Bible times
 Nature walks with mom.
 Stella is already halfway through Kindergarten! First grade here she comes!
 Judah has already learned his first song on the guitar. What a natural.

Lake Champlain

Another highlight of our summer was our family trip to Lake Champlain. We fished and tubed, roasted marshmellows, and had many family meals. Judah fished ALL day, from sunrise to sunset. We lost count of how many fish he caught! The weather was beautiful. It was a great way to end the summer

The farm table
 Roasting Marshmellows

 Look at my girl!
 Fish boy!
 Night Fishing was cool!

 Yep, still fishing!
 View from the lake 

Catching Up

Summer seemed to fly by so fast. Judah had another great beach party. They found a turtle, a large dead fish, and searched for creatures for hours. They went tubing and and sliding down the big slide. It's fun to have a summer birthday in the family! I can't believe we are moving toward double digits next year!
Here is the turtle:) So proud.
 He loves his new laptop and uses it daily for school!
 This boy time was LOUD!
 Face first. Has Papa's blood in him.

 Best pals.
 This chalk did not wash off for weeks:)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

For My First Baby

About this time every year I walk to the card aisle look for your new "number" and start to cry. You are going to be nine on Friday! Everyone always told me how fast you would grow, and now I understand. I wish I could remember every moment I have had with you. I wish I could hear your first word, just one more time. I wish I could rock you forever like I used to, singing all of our favorite songs. I wish I could breathe in your baby breath and have you wake me for the 20th time to nurse. I love every inch of you from your head to your toes and I still could stare at you forever. I never knew I could love someone  so much. I never knew how easy it would be to give everything I have....for you. All I ever really wanted was to be your mommy. You are everything I ever wanted in a son and so much more. I sometimes wish you needed me to hold you all day long, to feed you every meal, and carry you around everywhere. You are so independent now, but thank God you still need me to kiss your boo boos (when no one is around), and snuggle you every night. I never knew how hard it would be when you learned how to have an "attitude", or how sad I would feel when I didn't handle it right. Everyday I have to learn how to be the best mom all over again, you offer plenty of opportunities for me to practice:)

I love you when you climb in my bed in the morning. I love you when you stomp up the stairs. I love you when read to your sister and cry when she is hurt. I love you when pout in your chair. I love you when you tell me I  am so pretty. I love you when ignore me completely. I love that you live for fun. I love that you never stop talking, or moving, or eating.  I love your love for knowledge and how you retain so much information! I love watching you play baseball. I love your aqua blue green eyes. I love your new teeth! Did you know I kept your baby ones:)?  I love how proud you are when you bring home a great report card. I love that I get to learn with you this year and that we can grow in knowledge together. I love you because I know your heart and I know that with time you will become the man of integrity and character that daddy and I are helping you become. I want to spend everyday investing myself in your life. I don't want to miss a moment with you.
My prayer is that you become a strong yet tender hearted man. That you would be a caring, faithful husband, and a loving and fun father. I pray that you would look for every opportunity to help others. I pray that you always live your life to the fullest, just like you do now. I pray that you would know how intensely you are loved by God and by us. I pray that I can be that example for you by living out these things  everyday.....and model humility when I fail.  I love you.  You bring me so much joy!
This dark hair of yours was amazing, and you always smelled so good!
You love your baby sister
You will be taller than me soon!

I love this face!
Your first time being a groom (Q and U wedding)
This is your papa and boy do you look like him!

You love being the center of attention, that's did I:)

Your First Dodger game in NYC

You will always be my favorite boy in the universe and I love you a gazillion times!
Happy Birthday sweet boy.