Sunday, August 8, 2010

For My First Baby

About this time every year I walk to the card aisle look for your new "number" and start to cry. You are going to be nine on Friday! Everyone always told me how fast you would grow, and now I understand. I wish I could remember every moment I have had with you. I wish I could hear your first word, just one more time. I wish I could rock you forever like I used to, singing all of our favorite songs. I wish I could breathe in your baby breath and have you wake me for the 20th time to nurse. I love every inch of you from your head to your toes and I still could stare at you forever. I never knew I could love someone  so much. I never knew how easy it would be to give everything I have....for you. All I ever really wanted was to be your mommy. You are everything I ever wanted in a son and so much more. I sometimes wish you needed me to hold you all day long, to feed you every meal, and carry you around everywhere. You are so independent now, but thank God you still need me to kiss your boo boos (when no one is around), and snuggle you every night. I never knew how hard it would be when you learned how to have an "attitude", or how sad I would feel when I didn't handle it right. Everyday I have to learn how to be the best mom all over again, you offer plenty of opportunities for me to practice:)

I love you when you climb in my bed in the morning. I love you when you stomp up the stairs. I love you when read to your sister and cry when she is hurt. I love you when pout in your chair. I love you when you tell me I  am so pretty. I love you when ignore me completely. I love that you live for fun. I love that you never stop talking, or moving, or eating.  I love your love for knowledge and how you retain so much information! I love watching you play baseball. I love your aqua blue green eyes. I love your new teeth! Did you know I kept your baby ones:)?  I love how proud you are when you bring home a great report card. I love that I get to learn with you this year and that we can grow in knowledge together. I love you because I know your heart and I know that with time you will become the man of integrity and character that daddy and I are helping you become. I want to spend everyday investing myself in your life. I don't want to miss a moment with you.
My prayer is that you become a strong yet tender hearted man. That you would be a caring, faithful husband, and a loving and fun father. I pray that you would look for every opportunity to help others. I pray that you always live your life to the fullest, just like you do now. I pray that you would know how intensely you are loved by God and by us. I pray that I can be that example for you by living out these things  everyday.....and model humility when I fail.  I love you.  You bring me so much joy!
This dark hair of yours was amazing, and you always smelled so good!
You love your baby sister
You will be taller than me soon!

I love this face!
Your first time being a groom (Q and U wedding)
This is your papa and boy do you look like him!

You love being the center of attention, that's did I:)

Your First Dodger game in NYC

You will always be my favorite boy in the universe and I love you a gazillion times!
Happy Birthday sweet boy.

1 comment:

  1. Nan is CRYING tears of joy! Judah is so loved and precious and I can't believe he is turning NINE years old. It was just yesterday he came into this world and brought unkown joy to my own heart! It has been an honor to be his Nan from Japan. My heart is full seeing you be such an amazing mom, you are an inspriation to me everyday and I only hope that when the time comes, I will be 1/2 as amazing a mom as you are. I LOVE that Dodger game photo of Judah- I can HEAR his laughter coming through that smile and I just want to squish his guts. I love you both so much and celebrate the gift of Judah's life with you this week - August 13th - 9 years ago, truly one of my most cherished memories. Happy Birthday, Judah! Many hugs and lots of kisses and TONS of tickles and surgeries. Your Nan.
