Monday, November 30, 2009


Judah has been getting a lot of attention from girls lately! It is really freaking me out! They chase him, tell them they love him, that they want to marry him. I am ready to have a little talk with them to stay away from my boy:) I asked him (in front of Stella) what he says when the girls chase him. He told me that he runs and shows them his stitches to get them to leave. He is still in the "crushes are gross" stage, and I am relieved. STELLA, on the other hand, is all about it! She said this to me,

Her: I kissed Warren!

Me: What? Where!?

Her: On the cheek. (BIG smile) Then...... I had a dream that he kissed me!! ( Then threw herself back onto the couch)

OMG. I am not ready for this. I know in her little mind it is nothing more than a princess loves prince fairytale. But, it was a shocking thing to hear out of my 4 year old!
Judah said something like, "Stella your crazy!" He laughed and giggled, then we all giggled. Judah just wanted to snuggle ME, yay! He tells me I am his lady and the most beautiful lady in the world. He wants to live with me forever. I told him that when he is older he will feel differently and will tell these things to a very special girl that God will give him. For now, I am soaking it all in. Before long, he will feel differently. I love childhood.

Hair Cut

Judah got a haircut on Friday. We took off about 4 inches! He is playing basketball now, so I thought we should shorten it up a bit so that he can see better:) The expression in this picture is the, "I am watching t.v. and don't even know you are there" expression.
I have been having fun studying with Judah lately. He is like a little sponge, SO bright. He retains so much information. He amazes me. He loves science, math, and social studies. He is very good at cursive, just like his daddy and NOTHING like his mommy in that way:)
This morning he got up, made his bed, laid out his clothing, took out lunch and breakfast items, brushed his teeth, combed his hair, put on chapstick, all before Isaac and I woke up. I was so proud of him, he couldn't wait to show us. My little guy is growing up. I can see him growing in the area of responsibility and it is exciting. Love him SOOOOOOO much!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

This is Stella's teddy bear project for school. She wanted to make a fancy teddy bear. She named it Karetta. We used silk flowers, a pink necklace and pretty pink material for the dress. We also used glitter glue to outline it. We had fun and she is proud of it.
We had a relaxing day today. Yesterday we cleaned and organized the basement. It felt SO good to have it done. I got to the point where I didn't want to go down there because of the mess, but now it is much more tidy. Judah has been playing outside with his neighbor buddy everyday. They play detective and spies, and use at least 2 nerf guns each at a time. I am glad they have each other. Isaac made chicken scampi today and it was delicious! I am so glad that he loves to cook, and is good at it! Stella and I made a quick trip to Target to shop for her cousins Christmas gifts. I love spending mother and daughter time. We spent the drive looking for Christmas lights. She is so much fun to be with. I have been promising Judah a date too. I am really looking forward to that.

Friday, November 27, 2009


This year, I am most thankful for new beginnings......The pictures above are of Thanksgiving at our new house. The only thing missing was my family in Cali. We had a great time. The highlight for me was eating pie and playing cards. Also, Isaac brought me an iced coffee in the morning to start the day off right:)
I am so thankful for a flourishing marriage and the two most amazing, beautiful children in the world. And now, may I present, Stella:

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Main Street Parade!

If you have never been to a small town parade you are missing out. There is something so sweet and magical about it. Everyone, and I mean everyone, comes out to see it. They put up the snowflakes on the light poles, they were selling cotton candy and kettle corn. We were all bundled up because it was about 40 degrees outside. Kids danced, did gymnastics, played instruments. All four elementary schools came out for it and had floats made. You will see Judah's school float below. Their theme was "Reading Rocks!", notice the Elvis and the guitars. The fire department brought the engines, the police department dressed up little dogs and had them sitting in the car with them. Our kids were overjoyed.
We had so much fun, everyone was throwing candy to the kids and our kids got a stuffed Christmas bear and and a reindeer when Santa's sleigh went by.
After the parade we went for Chinese food and the kids stuffed themselves with candy. It was a wonderful night.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Thanksgiving is now going to be at our house instead of my mom's, so it is going to be a busy week. My uncle will soon go to be with Jesus, so my mom has a lot on her plate and may need to go to California. The kids have their last day of school for the week today and Stella has a special family presentation at school today. I am excited to see it! Here she is with her wonderful teacher.
I enrolled Judah in basketball last night. I was trying to get him into the town league, but found out that he is too young. So, he will play for the YMCA and will only have missed one practice. It can be a little chaotic at the Y, but, I am happy as long as he has some fun and gets some exercise.
I have a lot of cleaning, shopping, and running around to do today and tomorrow.
On a side note, Judah's knee looks great! He is now able to play at recess and go to gym class.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Stella recently learned how to snap. She is very good at it. She practiced continually. Now it has become a kind of habit for her. So through out the entire day and even when resting in bed, she is snapping with both fingers. I will be asking her something and she will respond to me in detail, all the while snapping away, not knowing that she is snapping. It is so cute.

*Fun Fact: Stella loves "flippers" (slippers). It is not that she can't say slippers, she must have heard it wrong. But, it is so adorable, I can't bear to correct her and I hope no one else does:)

Judah is my reading machine lately!! He finishes a good size book every two days or so. He takes his test on it at school to score points and he is doing great! I am so proud of him.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

My Babies!!

This is one of my favorite pictures of my precious babies.


Don't we look alike?? :)

Oldie but a Goodie

One of Stella's (and Judah's) favorite people! My Sister!!!

It Has Begun!!

Bravo Isaac!! You made our perfect little porch into a winter wonderland:)

Shopping Fun

At the grocery store Judah brought his first "scary" book. I have been hesitant to let him read a spooky one, but, he has been so enthralled that I am trying it out. It is about a book fair (nightmare), doesn't sound too bad. Anyway, he likes it so much that he had to bring it to the store and read it in the cart.
Stella LOVES using the little cart and pretending to be a big shopper. Everyone oooohs and ahhhhs and googles at her as she strolls by.

Peter Pan

This picture is not the best quality, but I had to post it. Last night Isaac said he was going to read with Stella, I was listening to him read, "Peter Pan" while washing my face, and when I peeked in to check, this is what I saw. So sweet:)

Swim Lessons

Judah and Stella are both in swim lessons at the YMCA. For the most part, they love it. Judah gets cold easily, but when the water is warm, he could stay all day. Stella will stay in no matter what the temperature, but she refuses to jump in. On vacation this year, I tossed her into her daddy's arms at the pool and she was so upset. I am kicking myself for it now of course! I told her she doesn't have to jump until she is ready. She responded with, "I am not going to be ready when I am five. I am not going to be ready when I am thirty!" I can tell she wants to, she just doesn't like her head to go under water. So, we wait. She is my second child, so I am not worried:). Judah is now a guppy and is learning to dive. He has a few more levels to go before he is a shark! His technique is starting to look sharp!

"I am not a princess. I am an artist. Actually, I'm both."

I am not sure where my little girl gets her artistic ability. Yes, Isaac and I love, "the arts," but neither of us can draw. I have been noticing how rapidly she is maturing in this area and it is amazing!! This was confirmed when we went to her parent teacher conference this week. Her teacher told us that every year there is one child who shows great artistic ability and this year it's Stella! At a time when she should be drawing a circle with four sticks coming out for arms and legs, she is drawing puffed sleeves, earings, fingers and shoes!! So exciting!! The title of this post is what Stella said to me the other day. I was laughing so hard. I told her she was right!

Stitches, Check-ups, Colonoscopies, OH MY!

We have had all kinds of "fun" the past few weeks. All four of us had our yearly check-ups, Judah got five stitches in his knee, and Isaac had his first colonoscopy. Judah was terrified of getting stitches. He had been playing ball with Isaac and fell on some sharp slate rock. It went right through his jeans and his knee! At first I thought he was fine, but then I realized how wide the cut was. I was so proud of him. After his "freak out" he gathered himself and was SO brave through it all. What a guy! I was proud of myself too for watching that needle go in and out of he wound several times and not tossing my cookies:)
Everyone's check-ups went well. Isaac had to follow up on some minor stuff, I was fine, and the kids were thrilled that they do not get shots until next year. They have moved from the "crying" phase, to the "pretending they are excited about it" phase. It is funny.
Isaac had his procedure done yesterday. It was not easy to see him in a hospital gown and under the influence of drugs to knock him out. I was looking around with compassion at all of the elderly couples who seem to feel right at home there. I was feeling blessed to be young and healthy, and so glad that Isaac was alright. What I will say is that if you have never had a colonoscopy, you will find out that they fill you up with a LOT of air. All of the rooms are right next to each other separated by curtains, and it can get very "noisy" all around, if you know what I mean:)

*Fun Fact: The kids are down stairs singing, "do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do." They are both on key!! Music to mommy's ears. The "Sound of Music" soundtrack is working.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Filming "The Other Guys"

I know this is my third blog in one day, but I am excited! I worked with my dad last month on 'The Other Guys". He was in NYC and Albany. It was great that he was so close. I did some precision driving and running away from helicopters. It was a lot of fun and great to make some good money too! I hung out with his wife Kathryn and we had some great talks/laughs together. The pic is of all of the stuntmen/women and one of the demolished cars. Judah, Stella and Isaac came out each weekend. Judah and Isaac had a great time and Stella could have cared less:) It was hard but very good for me to leave the kids for more than one night! VERY challenging for me, but I DID IT!


I guess Fall would be a great place to start. I want to hold onto it because I know winter is coming. The truth is I love the Holidays so much that I am only pretending to dread the winter. I am ashamed to say I have already rented and watched Christmas movies with the kids and Isaac. I am holding back on playing Christmas music and putting up lights, but it is hard.
But, back to the highlights of fall. We went to our favorite farm/pumpkin patch with the kids. It is called "Conbeers." We got there early and stayed for hours. We went on a hayride, a train ride, a trip through two huge corn mazes, a hunt through a sunflower patch and much more. Judah picked a large pumpkin and Stella loved the tiny one, of course. We had cider and cider donuts. They were good!
We have had game nights and movie nights at home on the weekends and I love it so much. We are in our new place now and I am so much more comfortable here. It is warm and inviting and we all snuggle up on the couch together. I was working Saturdays but decided to drop them and only work two days a week, and boy am I glad! Saturday is spent together as a family!

*Fun fact: Stella said to me "Mommy your hands are crumbly (meaning dry!), I think that means you are old." She cracks me up! Time to break out the lotion.

Getting Started...

This is my first blogging experience! I have really enjoyed reading other women's blogs and realized what a gift it is to their children. I don't really know where to start with this but I am going to give it a go. I want to share all of the special little details that make our family so special:) I hope to learn how to add photos and create something memorable for my children, husband, and anyone else who is interested:)